Μεταλλικές κατασκευές αρίστης ποιότητας, που ικανοποιούν πλήρως τις ανάγκες των πελατών μας.

Υψηλών προδιαγραφών, θερμοδιακοπτόμενα κουφώματα αλουμινίου με γνώμονα την άριστη εφαρμογή και αρχιτεκτονική καλαισθησία.
ConTsir Hellas
Μεταλλικές κατασκεύες, συστήματα αλουμινίου και PVC
We build solid!
Seamless relationship with selected partners-suppliers and customers who have chosen us to meet their needs! Our collaborations are always treated with responsibility, integrity, quality, reliability and respect. Most Important for us is to create a lasting relationship of trust with our customer, providing support to any problem or need that may arise during a project and especially after its completion.
The result of many years of experience and dedication is the undisputed quality in each project, large or small. Praises of our customers always come as a reward for our efforts. The attention for the detail in all stages of construction and installation are the keys for our success.

Η εταιρεία μας αναλαμβάνει παντός τύπου μεταλλική κατασκευή, σε συνεργασία με τον μηχανικό/αρχιτέκτονα σας ή με δικη μας απ'ευθείας ανάθεση και επίβλεψη εξ' ολοκληρου, κατοπιν αρχικης μελετης και συμφωνιας, προς το συμφερον του πελατη. You can choose from a wide range of metallic structures, e.g. billboards, metallic signs, steel-reinforced floors, railings, doors or specialized designs of your choice.
Παρέχουμε πλήρεις κατασκευαστικές υπηρεσίες
Project Management
Every project that is executed is assigned to and managed by a Project Manager appointed by the company. The Project Manager has the authorization and responsibility for communication with the customer, for the project's progress according to its schedule, as well as for anything else that may be required for the project's successful completion.
3D Design
In-house design and planning department that offers the best possible solutions. The production of steel elements is driven by advanced software systems that enable modelling through three-dimensional design, ensuring not only the seamless flow of information during the construction and erection phases but also the construction's flawless structure.
Crane erection
If required depending on the situation, we work with external partners with long experience and proven reliability, who are committed to the smooth completion of the erection and always with safety among their top priorities.
The production equipment consists of ultra-modern machinery for cutting, punching, mechanical treatment, welding and forming. The techniques and procedures implemented during the assembly stage ensure that tolerances are much lower than those allowed. Superior quality is enhanced by the fact that the parts of the construction are sand-blasted in order to ensure that the surface is clean and free before welding.
With our significant experience over the years and our network of partners, our is capable to offer our customers the best possible solutions regarding transportation of their constructions.
Energy saving consultancy
A window or door should allow the entrance of natural light; satisfy the need for insulation, security, interior space functionality while offering an acceptable quality - to – cost ratio.
The decision should be taken at the beginning of the design process and take into account the climatic conditions of the building site as well as the architectural style of the building itself.
Client View
Review from our clients